The Internet of Things

What is it? Where is it Used? How Can it Benefit Me?

the internet of things

Data taken from the 2014 Forrester study by Zebra Technologies

The Internet of Things was a term coined in 2014 to describe an innovative movement of technology that sought to change the very way our hardware, software and society as a whole functions. Predicated by RFID connectivity, the Internet of Things would be able to identify, operate, and manage objects tagged with wireless mobile computing systems digitally and remotely, increasing efficiency and ease-of-use.

The concept of integrated network devices reaches as far back as 1982, when a Coca-Cola vending machine at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania became the first vending machine connected to the internet in order to report stock levels and whether the refrigerator was functioning properly. Device-to-device (D2D) communication, which supports direct communication between nearby mobiles, was implemented in 1999.

Today, the Internet of Things is touted as the next stage of the information revolution because it can be used in nearly any field, industry, or application. Instinctive data-capture, effortless inventory-checks, environmental sensing, user monitoring- these are just a few of the many benefits of device automation. Paragon Data Systems has created several comprehensive systems that rely on D2D and wireless communication to improve your business operations. Our LabeLink, Traceability, and RFID Solutions are just a few of the many ways we can customize software and hardware computing to a specific company’s needs.

If you would like to learn more about the Internet of Things and how Paragon can help you achieve communication automation, give us a call at 800.211.0768 or send us an email.

Bri Ziganti researches compliance and efficiency issues and reports on new technologies.  Call 800.211.0768 to speak directly with our sales team to see how Paragon can help your business implement a reliable and cost-effective solution. Our graphic of the Internet of Things was created using data from the 2014 Forrester Study by Paragon’s partner, Zebra Technologies.
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